We use Cloudflare as a caching service and DNS provider. DNS = Domain Name Server, ie by typing anhimu.eu in the browser, a query is made to the DNS and then you are directed to the correct server (ours).

We found that the site can't be loaded in certain areas. The problem is not from us, but from Cloudflare.

We made the players display our flag on the occasion of the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule.

See participants and their photos on Facebook

YheX, BlackRose, Puffy, Voivoda took part. Each will find 5 x BoK + 1 and 2 x BoK + 2 in their web bank.

Have fun!

Happy Holidays Bulgarians!

On the occasion of the holiday we want to organize an event: be creative and illustrate the holiday, for example, make the flag of Bulgaria on the ground with appropriate objects and send us a photo on the Facebook page.

The prizes will be a surprise, we expect screenshots by 21:00 server time. 

To avoid questions, I'm writing this to inform you:
All character options are moved to Character list menu which is overhauled.
We had too much options which made the left sidebar appear too long so I decided it's time for optimization.

The NPC Marlon will be put up for testing. This means that BK will have access to combo and SM will have access to the Nova spell. If the combo proves to be too powerful and brings a huge disbalance between all the races we will remove Marlon once again from the game.

Have fun.

ANHI MU Team 2020.

The new feature: "Skip quest" was just added - thanks to this option you can skip to the next quest.
Price: 1000 credits.

We don't want to make going to the next quest too easy and that's why the price. But if you get tired collecting stuff, you may pay 1000 credits and continue.

Reminder: You can't buy credits with real money, we don't sell nothing!