Sky Event award has been changed from Blue Feather to an item from the last tier sets + 13 + Luck (non-excellent).

From the next iteration of the Auction, it will work with all currencies and quantities, with 2nd level wings.

BoK +1 items will be launched Sunday, as +1 invasions will be launched Monday.
Every time there is an invasion launch, it will be the same with the auction.

The Castle Deep event and the Queen Bee boss has been launched in the Valley of Loren.

Everything about them is described in the relevant pages, and the information below is copied from there:

This event has tree stages:

  • Stage 1: from 0 to 5 minute
  • Stage 2: from 5 to 10 minute
  • Stage 3: from 10 to 12 minute

Various monsters are being loaded during the first two stages. Their respawn rate is significantly faster which makes the event favorable for leveling.

During the third stage which is a Boss Stage, the Queen Bee boss is spawned.

Its respawn rate is unlimited and you can kill it as much times as you can during the last 2 minutes.

P.S. The event is being launched for the first time and despite running for a while on the test server, there may be a problem, keep that in mind.

Sky Event has been launched - tested and working. Currently, the award is Blue Feather (Loch's Feather), will change over time.

Sky Event has new hours - the number of iterations has been increased:

  • 18:45
  • 19:45
  • 21:45
  • 23:45

The timer on the sidebar is according to the new hours.

The server was launched on March 3 (2 days ago).
We made changes from the previous season, which are described in the previous post.

All changes are reflected in the page Info and everything in it is up to date

We are gathered in Discord and there is a direct connection between the team and the players, this is the best place when you have a suggestion or problem:

ANHIMU.EU Discord Server

If you have any doubts about any of the team that helps in one way or another (suggesting events or anything else) send signals in person to ANHI or in the reports channel. I don't know any of them personally and no matter how many conversations I had at the beginning of the collaboration, I can't be sure, and such performances are not tolerated and measures are taken at every signal. It is important to have conclusive evidence, not just speculation. The forementioned case was present during the last season and we took action on as soon as we found out, that's why I wrote these lines.

Useful for new players:

  • We have a referral system - you earn credits by inviting people (in Settings)
  • We have many options on the site for items (adding luck, recycling, etc.) - described in the info page - some with credits, others not - there are many ways to get credits, we are grateful for the donations, because they help maintain the server (everything costs money)
  • There is an online time bonus that is double in Lorencia
  • There are bonus jewels and other stuff for online time (some players complain about problems with this module, but I can't detect them in tests, 90% work correctly)
  • Weekly rankings from BC / DS - the prizes are also described in the info page;
  • The auction is now enabled (every 24h.) and initially there will be 1 level wings, then 2, then when the invasions start - items from the respective BoK;
  • The change of resets, auctions and all other things on the site happens automatically and is pre-programmed - exactly the time and the second indicated;
  • Enabling invasions and bosses (because there is no way to automate it) is done manually and sometimes a slight delay is possible if we do not have the free time at the exact second
  • Sky Event Test with Blue Feather Award Launched - if there are any problems I Need Feedback

13:52 The server will be released today, March 3 at 8 p.m.
17:42 The database has been cleared, you can register your new accounts.
19:56 Update with a list of changes

It is possible to run the server for a while to test something, do not make a hero, it will be deleted :)
The 5 characters available are administrative.

All updates are updated in the server information - Info page.


  • When invasions have already been launched, the reward from BC will be the BoK at the level of the invasion currently released;
  • The goldens in the DS will be at the level of the launched invasions;
  • Invasions will be every 2 weeks instead of 1;
  • CC will give jewels until a certain point, then - ancient;
  • The BK res points have been raised to 470;
  • BK Buff has increased by about 10%;
  • New boss Hommerd;
  • Will release another new boss in the future;
  • Added to BoK + 1: Elven Shield, Kris, Buckler;
  • Added in BoK + 2: Elemental Shield, Skull Shield, Master Scepter;
  • Added to BoK + 3: Great Scepter;
  • Invasions are increased (when released);
  • The drop rate has been increased.


  • Box of Kundun +5 as a BC7 reward
  • 3 x Golden Tantallos in DS6