It's written on the Info page, but for the lazy:
1. Golden Dragons will be released this Sunday (see number and strength on the Info page)
2. The HoF Awards this Sunday will be:
1st place: 10 x BoK + 3
2nd place: 5 x BoK + 3
3rd place: 2 x BoK + 3
3. From next Sunday (March 15th) the HoF Awards will be:
1st place: 15 x BoK + 3
2nd place: 10 x BoK + 3
3rd place: 5 x BoK + 3
Next week's auction will be still with BoK + 2 Items, starting March 22 with BoK + 3 items.
Bonus info: There are quests in the quest system that are unlocked from 25 resets onwards (ie now you will be able to perform them on Sunday).
Update: The HoF event will definitely be without Ancient items this week, other weeks will be at the discretion of GM or announced further.